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Ruskomsnusk (DENMARK)​


Rasmus Frisgaard is Ruskomsnusk (Other know aliases: Børnelim, Børneslim, Ørneslim, Bob). Falling in love with the darker side of psytrance at underground forest parties in Moesgaard in the late 2000's, he eventually went on to become an integral part of Dogu and to create the psytrance project Ruskomsnusk. Having produced psytrance for some years, he eventually had his first live performance in Northern Jutland in 2020 and released his first track in 2021 on Jyske Lov. In late 2023 he released his debut album Sort Sovs. Ruskomsnusk is also part of the project Kult-25 along with Prosopagnosia.



Sort Sovs (Album)



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